Sunday, February 26, 2006

stories ....

Few nice excerpts frm THE DEVIL & MISS PRYM (Paul Coelho).

1. fRieNds :

Once upon a time, a man, his horse and his dog were travelling along a road. As they passed by a huge tree, itwas struck by lightning, and they all died. But the man failed to notice that he was no longer of this world and so he continued walking along with his two animal companions. Sometimes the dead take a while to register their new situation ..

It was a long, uphill walk, the sun was beatingdown on them and they were all sweating and thirsty. At a bend in the road they saw a magnificient marble gateway that led into a gold-paved square, in the centre of which was a fountain over-flowing with crystal-clear water. The man went over to the guard at the entrance.

" Good morning"
"good morning" the guard replied.
"What is this lovely place?"
"It's heaven."
"well, I'm very glad to see it, because we're very thirsty"
" you're welcome to come in and drink all the water you want" And the guard indicated the fountain.
"My horse and dog are also thirsty" .

" I'm terribly sorry", said the guard, " but animals are not allowed here."

" The man was deeply disappionted for he really was very thirsty, but he was not prepared to drink alone, so he thanked the guard and went on his way. Exhausted after more trudging uphill, they reached an old gateway that opened on to a dirt road flanked by trees. A man, his hat pulled down over his face, was stretched out in the shade out in the shade of one of the trees, apparently asleep.

"good morning" said the traveller.
"The other man greeted him with a nod.
" there's a spring over there amongst those rocks", said the man idicating the spot. " you can drink all you want."

THe man, his horse and his dog.went to the spring and quenched their thirst.

The traveller returned to thank the man.
" come back whenevr you want" he was told.
" By the way, what's this place called? "
" Heaven"
" Heaven ? But the guard at the marble gateway told me that was heaven! "
" That was not heaven, that's hell . "
The traveller was puzzled.

" you shouldnt let others take your name in vain, you know! False information can lead to all kinds of cinfusion! "
" on the contrary, they do us a great favour, because the ones who stay there are those who have proved themselves capable of abandoning their favourite friends " .

SO frndz i will see u in heaven then.

2. THe ARt of living

A hunterguide used to teach his customers who had lot of money but little experience hunting the Art of living. He would take them to a piece of waste ground. There, he would place a beer can on top od a stone.

Then he would stand about fifty yards from the can and, with a single shot, send it flying.

" I m the best shot in the region", he would say. " And now you're going to learn how to become as good as me".

He replaced the can on the same stone, walked back to where he had stood before, tool a handkerchief out of his pocket and asked the newcomer to blindfold him. Then he aimed once more in the direction of the target and fired again.

" Did I hit it ? " he would ask, removing the blindfold.
" Of course not", the new arrival would say, pleased to see the proud guide humbled. " You missed it be a mile. I dont think there's anything ou can tech me" .

" I 've taught you the most important lesson in life" , the guide would reply. " Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed" .

Lets remove the cloth from our eyes ..


Blogger milo said...

thanks fr unveilin sm beautiful lines..

7:39 AM  
Blogger radiohead said...

@ milo :: the pleasure is all mine .

12:32 PM  
Blogger johney said...

It is a beautiful book. It is the valour of Miss Prym that astounds me. And the devil. Sometimes, we want to question what is good and what is bad. The devil was not altogether bad there. And the angel was not altogether good there.

5:37 AM  
Blogger Mirage said...

hey that was amazing! Its amazing that the things that make us so happy, are so simple! Sometimes we just look past the obvious.

Gr8 book! Thnx fr sharing its wisdom! :)

9:19 AM  
Blogger xtremely_insane said...

thats a good book.finally meeting a few ppl here who read paul c.

4:22 AM  
Blogger radiohead said...

@ johney : yups

@ maximus :: thnkx for visitin.

@ mirage : yups. D pleasure is all mine.

@ xtremely_insane : areeeeeeeeee .... i have read his 5 books till date . I am a fan . And evn m meeting a person tht reads paulo c :D . I didnt knew the vibes meet :O ....

5:19 AM  
Blogger R said...

I've never enjoyed Paulo Coelho..

4:57 AM  

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