Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's been long since I have been here and done this 'writing myself out'. It pains to see this thing almost dying down because of me. Whenever (rarely though) I happen to visit my own page, it feels particularly odd to see the random dates that I have been posting on and the days elapsed between them. That very time I feel starting it all over again, from scratch, afresh, giving this a new life with new thoughts and more general opinions than the personal (pretty much stupid) poems, which I dont even feel writing these days.

So, whats been happening lately .. if anybody aks me this question, I just answer subtly and pretty much lazily, 'Well .. Nothing' and I realise that this can literally piss off people at times, specially the one who dreadly wish hear some or the other things from me, without caring for it being crap or totally senseless. And just like most of the guys I am so weird. We guys are not much in to this 'Sweet Talk' business. I care about nothing and no one, which I feel is bad, but it just happens on its own, somehow. I am not an intentional mood spoiler, but it just that at times I wish to be alone and all by myself (though it pisses me off more).

What have I been upto lately .. seriously .. nothing. Isn't this so weird, that this word 'nothing' which literally means 'nothing' makes quite a sense in my life. May be the things are too obvious to be told or written down. But as humans are pretty social, and they crave for all this 'sharing your things with others' thing, they expect from me that I should be more talkative then the mere Hmmm's, what, ya, and ohk's. Well I am a bit talkative.

I dont know where did all this came from. All the text above seems so stupifying. I am so confused, mused and ..... rite now. So, cya thn.

Adios !!


Blogger Keshi said...

good to hear from ya again. :)

Hope all is ok with ya.

10:09 PM  
Blogger radiohead said...

@ keshi: allz well .. n allz grt ..

thnkx fr comin bck again :)

n guess wat .. m coming to OZ :P this winter (i mean May - July)

cheers mate :P

12:37 AM  
Blogger Mirage said...

Hello... its been a while since i visited, or so i thought! U've been away too :). I know wht u mean abt neglecting the blog man, m goin thru pretty much the same phase... sighh...nothin new to report neway :|.

Take care :)

6:56 AM  
Blogger johney said...

I would not know what you mean by 'stupifying'...but I sure not not find your post any less interesting. We all have passed through that phase of 'nothing' on varying moments of our life. It is normal. So don't worry.

I hope now you have a better answer for the question, "what are you doing?"

9:49 PM  

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